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MediaPortal Release Notes

The following items on the list encompass breaking changes, features, and fixes that are relevant for the major release.

Release 24.2

Breaking Changes

No Breaking Changes on 24.2


Administration Panel

The new administration feature in the MediaPortal provides an interface for managing users and user groups, monitoring jobs, and managing export targets. This feature ensures convenient access to administration parts relevant for interface administration on VidiCore installations that do not have VidiFlow and LDAP integration.

It enhances the administrative capabilities of the MediaPortal application, making it easier for administrators to manage users, monitor jobs, and handle export targets. It simplifies the workflow and provides essential tools for effective management of VidiCore installations without the need for VidiFlow and LDAP integration. For more information, please see Administration Interface .


Search Options

Disabling Initial Search

By default, MediaPortal is configured to initiate an initial search upon launch, providing an overview of existing content with news objects displayed prominently. However, if necessary, this search functionality can be deactivated. In this mode, the application will display all its functions without automatically conducting the initial search. Users retain the ability to manually trigger the initial search as needed.

Note: This will also overwrite set Default Searches, requiring the user to run this manually. For more information, please seeSearch Settings .

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Utilizing Representative Thumbnails

In certain scenarios dictated by usage patterns and workflow configurations, an item within MediaPortal may be assigned a "Representative Thumbnail." In such cases, the MediaPortal will exclusively load this designated thumbnail when generating result views, streamlining the display process. For more information, please see Search Settings .

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Loading Filter Cards Upon Request

By default, MediaPortal's Filter section is programmed to execute an initial request to load potential values from the filter cards. However, depending on the range of values present in specific fields, it may be advisable to load these values individually upon user interaction, such as clicking on a field within the filters. This approach ensures a more responsive and efficient filtering experience, particularly in cases where the variance of values necessitates a more tailored loading mechanism.

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Referencing Multiple Items per Workflow

An additional function enables the referencing of multiple items within a single Workflow instance. This feature can be configured on a per-workflow basis, providing flexibility in behavior differentiation, such as distinguishing between Dropzone actions and multiple selections from the result view. In practice, a single workflow instance will contain an array of referenced items within the Workflow Document Json.

Note: When multiple objects are passed, existing VidiFlow workflows may require adjustment to iterate over the referenced IDs. This ensures compatibility and proper handling of multiple referenced items within the workflow structure. For more information, please see Filters .

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Example for Single WF-Object (Escaped))

{\"ObjectId\":\"pf://platform/item/ITEM-VX-4711/\“,\“Title\“:\“YourVideo_1.mp4\",\"RenamedTitle\“:\“Rename Title of my Video\“,\“ContextType\":\"MediaPortal\",\"Duration\":\"22016000@1000000\",\"RelativeFramecountIn\":null,\"IsPartialRange\":false,\"TimeCodeIn\":null,\"start\":null,\"end\":null}

Example for Multi WF-Object (Escaped)

[{\"ObjectId\":\"pf:\/\/platform\/item\/ITEM-VX-4711\/\",\"Title\“:\“YourVideo_1.mp4\",\"RenamedTitle\":\"Rename Title of my Video\",\"ContextType\":\"MediaPortal\",\"Duration\":\"22016000@1000000\",\"RelativeFramecountIn\":null,\"IsPartialRange\":false,\"TimeCodeIn\":null,\"start\":null,\"end\":null},{\"ObjectId\":\"pf:\/\/platform\/item\/ITEM-VX-5712\/\",\"Title\":\"YourVideo_2.mp4\“,\“RenamedTitle\":\"AnotherTitle.mp4\",\"ContextType\":\"MediaPortal\",\"Duration\":\"22016000@1000000\",\"RelativeFramecountIn\":null,\"IsPartialRange\":false,\"TimeCodeIn\":null,\"start\":null,\"end\":null}]

Magic Wand Function on Drop Zone

The Magic Wand Function in MediaPortal automates new sequence creation based on content added to the drop zone, ensuring frame rate consistency. If the frame rates match, the sequence is created seamlessly. Otherwise, a dialog message notifies users of the discrepancy, preventing sequence creation and allowing adjustments. For more information, please see Magic Wand .





External ID

Short Description


Delays in Filter load

Aggregation of long and many filter values cold lead to longer loading. For this case it is possible to load them inpedenpently via configuration 


Dev MediaPortal - CCBS-21109 - Renaming in the drop zone stopped working when using Send To workflows


Use re-named title from dropzone


When custom Icons are configured the app slows down and suddenly not shows icons

Optimized cashing for slower loading of custom icons


Timecodes from segment doesn't fit to TC in Timeline.

NTCS Timecodes could lead to miscalculation for display of segments on timeline


Context menu in table view entity not responsive

Context menu on table view did not adjust automatically on responsive scaling


Importing Collections and VidiEditor projects via context menu fails


Import via context menu having different rout than function via button


Compount Metadata not displayed on segments correctly

DevOps 215777

Optimization for display of timed compount metadata


Active filters container above the filter cards not displayed

Showing Active Filter above filter did not read setting


Timeline View doubles entries


Multiple entries of same group on same Timecode position could not be displayed in some cases


Camera Cards pattern rolls have incorrect clip order

Import of Camera Cards in Adobe Premiere Panel could be in wrong order


Display of TC format on details


Show SMPTE TC in correct format on Editing Dialog


Search on Segments including subgroups - fix

Allow to narrow down multiple sub groups


Adjust function for max session time for automatic logout

When max session time reached, it did not automatically show longin page


When a clip with subtitle is opened  and loaded, the subtile is displayed automatically on and shown

Subtitle could be turned on automatically


Not possible to select enum/Integer on sendTo Dialog when multiple objects are selected

Multiselect could lead to false Integer/Dropdown input on Flow dialog


Bulk adjustment of TAG fields does not update metadata on items

CCBS-21874; NFL

Empty Tag fields on Bulk Editing can cause false store of data


Bulk form card issue with default values and boolean, date fields

Bool Deafult values were not reat correctly after CP update


Set default values in flow dialog correctly


Bool Deafult values were not reat correctly after CP update


"Face" option for TwelveLabs integration disappears periodically while searching 


Use of Face option could lead to issues of display


When a text search is removed by Backspace and then a filter is applied, the previous text value can stay

Changed input text could be ingnored in special cases


Closing LLM context search can cause crash

Fix for rare LLM Dialog crash


Sorting order for segment groups by configuration not applied as defined in CP

Fix for event group sorting


Boolean on single editing not set correctly


Bool Deafult values were not reat correctly after CP update


Collection type default value not displayed in new collection creation dialog

Deafult values were not reat correctly after CP update


Not all space in item row in table view is clickable to select item


Fix on table display


Shift click to select multiple items is inconsistent


Multi select work analog to Explorer/Finder function

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.