Custom Views [VCon OG]
It it possible to create custom views in the User Interface.
A View is a tab in the user interface (1)
A Group is a container for ports in the user interface (2) and (3)
A Lane is a port inside of a group and represents an InPort or OutPort.
Basic Principles
The sorting order is configurable for
Groups on Views
Lanes in Groups
Labels are configurable for
Lanes (as custom labels in InPort/OutPort/Device configuration)
Views are configurable tabs in the User Interface. Please refer to Key Concepts for using the table view and editing values.
Sort Order
The sort order of the views can be managed by grabbing one list entry on the sort handle (6 dot symbol).
Edit View
By clicking the gear icon, a modal editing dialog can be opened:
Use the mandatory Title field to add or change the title (label) of the view.
The View groups field on the left side contains all groups that are attached to the current view.
The Groups field on the right side contains all groups that are not attached to the current view.
To add a group to the current view, search for the group in the groups list on the right side and click on the “+” icon.
To remove a group from the current view, click on the bin item of the group to remove.
To change the order of the groups on the current view, use the grab handles (six dot symbol) and drag the groups in the correct order.
Add View
New views can be created by clicking the “Add View” button. A modal dialog opens. Please refer to Edit View for how to use that dialog.
Groups are sets of Lanes that can be placed on Views in the User Interface.
Please refer to Key Concepts for using the table view and editing values.
Edit Group
By clicking the gearwheel icon, a modal editing dialog can be opened.
Use the mandatory Title field to add or change the title (label) of the group.
The Group type can be either Pool or Custom.
Pool Groups
If Group Type is Pool, a Pool can be selected from the list. Then, the ports and are automatically taken from the Pool Configuration.
Custom Groups
If Group Type is Custom, Lanescan be added, ordered and removed from the current group.
Please refer to Edit View, the usage principals are similar.
Add Group
New views can be created by clicking the “Add View” button. A modal dialogue opens. Please refer to Edit Group for how to use that dialog.