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VidiControl Release Notes

The following items on the list encompass breaking changes, features, and fixes that are relevant for the major release.

Patches for this major release

Patches are shown based on recency and will appear below as soon as they are issued.

Release 24.4.248262

Breaking Changes

No breaking changes.

Setup and Operations

The following central components are relevant for proper operation. The versions named here are recommended.

Please note that the UPDATED marker indicates a change between the previous release and the one this document is issued for.





Postgres UPDATED


Browser Support

VidiControl should work on various web browsers. This list should provide transparency on the web browsers testing and support:



Latest Version Tested








Process View

VidiControl brings now the possibility to display processes triggered by the user or related to selected timeline items. Details can be found here for the Booking Dialog: Area: Create a Booking and for the Dock area: Area: Notifications & Messages

List View

Beside several minor improvements, two new controls were introduced to hide Bookings and Booking Definitions. This provides a better overview. Details can be found under Area: List View.

Booking Dialog

The Booking Dialog was improved to provide a better support for Keyboard-only operation. It is now very much easier and comfortable to navigate around the Booking Dialog with keyboard only, using [Tab] and [Shift]-[Tab] keys. Also, selected Fields can directly be overwritten without the need to select and delete the current content first.

Crash Record Improvements

We introduced a new way to start crash records: Simply click on the Source Lane Header holding [Shift] key pressed to start a new crash recording. See Create a Crash Recording for details.

In addition, the time until recording starts has been optimized.

Start Now Behavior

The behavior of the “Start Now” option is now configurable. A distinction can now be made between two operation methods: Whether the entire recording is moved on the timeline without adjusting the length (the original end time is also moved) or whether only the start time is moved, so that the original end time remains, extending the duration of the recording. To configure, adjust the “StartNowKeepEnd” config value, see Config Values.

Title Generator

A preview option was added to the Title Template Configuration. See Title Templates for details.





"Create from Placeholder" option does not create new recording


Crash Record Execution time should be rounded up till Seconds


Snackbar error message displays twice in details


Chunk cloned using Clone button does not add title prefix 'CLONE'


Recurring recording not adjusted after time shift


Set objectId.objectId when starting workflow


"CompletedWithErrors" chunks not exactly linked to booking definitions listed in List view

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.