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Key Concepts

Some key concepts of configuration recur throughout the configuration interface. They are explained in this section.


Tables in VidiControl configuration follow the same principles.

Example Table with (1) Searching and Filtering, (2) Sorting, (3 & 4) In-Line Editing, (4) Action column

Searching and Filtering

Most tables are searchable. An input field above the table can be used to filter the table contents to easily find entries. See (1) in the image above.


The table columns can be sorted descending or ascending. Click on the table headers to toggle sorting. See (2) in the image above.

Sorting is based on strings. Therefore an unusual behaviour can occur when sorting number columns.

In-Line Editing

In some table-views, text is displayed as bold white. That means, that these fields are in-line editable. Just click on such a field and it turns to blue. Edit the value.

Undo editing by clicking on the (error) symbol in the edited field. See (3) in the image above.

To save, click on the “blue checkmark” symbol. See (4) in the image above. When successfully saved, the checkmark symbol turns green.

To cancel and undo editing the row, click on the X symbol in the action column. See (4) in the image above.

Adding Entries

On some pages, it is possible to create new entries. Then, there is an “Add new …” button directly under the table.

Deleting Entries

Some elements can be deleted. Then there is a bin item in the action column (4).

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