VidiFlow Release Notes
The following items on the list encompass breaking changes, features, and fixes that are relevant for the major release.
This page contains a list of patches we released for this version.
23.3.10 on
Fixes | |
Item# | Item |
226976 | RabbitMQ: Track message payload size in metric |
226974 | RabbitMQ: Increase retry interval |
226452 | RabbitMQ: Review pre-fetch counts |
226648 | Tool: Check for missing attributes for call activities in CP contracts |
226647 | WF Deployment Service: Check for missing attributes for call activities when deploying a worfklow |
226644 | Product Backlog Item 226644: WF-Designer (old & new): Check for missing attributes for call activities when saving |
226175 | WF-Designer: Attribute "version" missing in some BPMNs |
23.3.6 on
Fixes | |
Item# | Item |
224942 | RabbitMQ message reconnect issue |
23.3.4 on
Fixes | |
Item# | Item |
224562 | Agent Task remains running after error |
224292 | Error decrypting s3 secret key from storage method when it contains a forward slash |
23.3.3 on 09.11.2023
Fixes | |
Item# | Item |
224736 | 23.3 alpine service for CoreServices should be of net7 |
224528 | Create Thumbnail task is taking wrong shape |
23.3.2 on
Fixes | |
Item# | Item |
221983 | Agent Transcode timeout (5 min) while bulky upload (waveforms) is still running |
223381 | Agent Transcode problem with long transcodings and too few transcoding resources |
222876 | VF-Portal: Add KendoUI license into VF-Portal |
222749 | Vantage - Get progress for Job Guid 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
223261 | Camunda plugin: Improve logging |
223168 | RabbitMQ: Improve logging |
222876 | VF-Portal: Add KendoUI license into VF-Portal |
223738 | RabbitMQ: Improper handling of cancelled/shutdown consumers |
223063 | MessageBus: Investigate retry strategy for failures |
223158 | Update Alpine Image to 3.18.3 |
Release 23.3.1
Setup and Operations
Dependencies and Component Updates
The following central components were updated and will be shipped in the noted version, along with relevant product and service dependencies:
Please note that the UPDATED marker indicates a change between the previous major release and the one this document is issued for.
Dependencies with Products and Services | Version |
VidiCore UPDATED | 23.3 |
Kubernetes UPDATED | 1.25 - 1.27 |
ConfigPortal UPDATED | 23.3 |
AuthService (KC-based) UPDATED | 23.3 |
Components | Version |
Transcoder Images UPDATED Commandline UPDATED | 23.3.20 23.3.20 |
Angular | 15 | | 8.6.1 |
RabbitMQ UPDATED | 3.11.17-management |
RabbitMQ Operator UPDATED | 2.2.0 |
Camunda UPDATED | 7.19 |
Powershell | 7.2.2 |
OpenSearch UPDATED | 2.7 |
Hangfire UPDATED | 1.8 |
Alpine Image UPDATED | 3.18 |
MediaInfo UPDATED | 23.04-r0 |
PostgreSQL | 14 |
Known Issues
New Services, Agents, and Tasks
Set Key Value Metadata (Version 1.0) / Remove Key Value Metadata (Version 1.0)
This pair of new tasks allows one to set, update, and remove key-value metadata in VidiCore.
This can also be used to set S3 tags as those will be synched implicitly be VidiCore to key-value metadata. For more information, see VidiCore documentation.
List of Updated Tasks
Suffix “via Linux” Removed From all Tasks
In previous versions of VidiFlow, many tasks had the suffix "via Linux" in their names. This was necessary to distinguish the migrated tasks when switching from Windows to Linux. The old tasks are no longer deployed with VidiFlow, so the suffix has been deleted from all task names.
This change has no negative impact when using the tasks in existing workflows. To use updated versions of those tasks, it may be necessary to remove them from the workflow first and insert the new version manually.
Create Sorted Sequence (Version 3.0)
The new version of the task allows one to create overlaps in the resulting sequence.
Semantic Versioning for Workflows and Rules
Until version 23.2, VidiFlow did not use semantic versioning for workflows and rules. Every time a workflow or rule was saved, a new major version was created (1.0, 2.0, 3.0…). At the same time, there was the feature of using the so-called "LATEST" version when calling up workflows. This is practical because not all calls have to be adjusted every time the workflow or rule is changed.
On the other hand, this feature leads to runtime errors in a situation, where a workflow or rule is modified in a way, that the contract changes significantly, e.g. by adding mandatory input or output parameters without adapting the execution call of the workflows/rules.
With version 23.3, VidiFlow introduces semantic versioning for workflows and rules. If a workflow or rule is changed without changes on the contract, a new minor version is created. For workflows with contract changes, a new major version is created automatically. Users can also trigger to create a new major version if it makes sense for them based on other relevant changes inside the workflow.
The feature of using the “LATEST” workflow is changed in the following way: For each major version, it is now possible to use “x.LATEST”, where x is the major version. This is also replaced by the Workflow Designer to the new approach when adapting workflows. The advantage of this terminology is that the latest workflow version with a compatible contract is executed.
All APIs are fully backward compatible.
For more information, please see Semantic Versioning for Workflows and Rules [VF UG]
Workflow Monitor
Central Saved Searches
A previous version of Workflow Monitor introduced the option to create saved queries for often-needed filter combinations. This is now enhanced by the option to create centrally saved searches.
Administrators can create a query in the Workflow Monitor and copy-paste it to a new entry in the ConfigPortal Use Case Page “User Interfaces / Workflow Monitor Central Queries”. One or more groups can be selected to provide the query only to the corresponding user groups. If no group is applied, the query is available for all users.
In connection with this feature, some menu items in the Saved Queries section have been slightly changed.
For documentation see Workflow Monitor | Saved-Queries.
Workflow Designer
With the release of VidiFlow 23.3, the new Workflow Designer is available for public testing. The previous version of Workflow Designer will also be deployed with Vidiflow and should be the standard for workflow design.
Compared to the previous version of Workflow Designer, there are different enhancements and improvements
More intuitive user interface in many different areas of the application.
The toolbox area offers a selection of VidiFlow service tasks, workflows, rules, and many other entities to easily drag and drop them to the BPMN canvas with fewer mouse clicks. Search filters and tags help one to find the entities faster.
Auto-connect feature to connect tasks before dropping.
Easier creation of workflow input and output parameters based on task parameters.
Open sub-workflows or rules from the Designer.
Use the latest version as the basis.
The documentation for the new Workflow Designer can be found here: Workflow Designer (new version)
The previous Workflow Designer is used per default. The new Designer can be opened from the VidiFlow Portal. Is is also possible to configure it as the default Designer for all use cases. For more information see Configure ConfigPortal & VidiFlow Portal for VidiFlow's New Workflow Designer [DEV VF] .
Rule Designer
Renaming of Rules
It is now possible to rename rules in the Rule Designer by changing the rule’s name in the top-left area and deploying the rule to the system.
Access Rights
The Rule Designer now has different access rights to open the Rule Designer or to be able to edit rules. This can be used in the future to create different roles differentiating between workflow and rule design.
VidiFlow Portal
Workflow Notification Handling
VidiFlow Portal can notify users of the execution of workflows. This is now disabled per default and can be enabled with the bell symbol.
Performance, Stabilization, and Other Improvements
Rate-Limiting for APIs
VidiFlow now supports rate-limiting for all APIs. This feature is disabled by default but can be enabled and configured for the deployment of the system.
For more information, please see Rate-limiting for APIs [VF OG].
Field “appVersion” Added to Logs
All VidiFlow modules now log the field “appVersion” to improve error analysis.
OpenTelemetry Support
In a first step to improve observability, all VidiFlow backend modules now gather execution traces and metrics using the OpenTelemetry framework.
Please note that these data are not yet published or stored.
Reduced Amount of Workflow Progress Updates
Several long-running service tasks may send a lot of status updates to the workflow, e.g. when updating the progress. This has been reduced now in a way that said progress updates will only be sent to the workflow index after at least 30 seconds.
Tie Camunda Broker Instance to Engine Instance
Previously, the scaling of the Camunda engine did not have any effect on performance or load distribution for task executions since only one engine instance could execute tasks due to a Camunda design restriction. To solve this, a Camunda broker instance is now tightly coupled to an engine instance. They now scale as a pair.
Automatically deploy workflows after staging from ConfigPortal
After staging workflows from ConfigPortal, VidiFlow will deploy these workflows automatically in the target environment. This allows them to be executed without any further steps.
Fixes | |
Item# | Item |
218073 | Encounter "504" Gateway timeout if the workflow api with invalid username provided in param of "StartAsUser" |
218146 | GetFileByShapeTag - object reference error |
218469 | WF-Designer: Rename workflow cause service task creation failed |
218510 | VF-Portal: Upload Files UI is not able to upload files |
210768 | WF-Monitor: Including Subworkflows and excluding them again does not reset pagination correctly |
218255 | WF-Monitor: Metadata is not working with user defined metadata |
219277 | WF-Monitor: Filter on WF Name does not find all entries |
220745 | WF-Monitor: Only four of the configured VidiCore metadata are displayed |
220747 | WF-Monitor: VidiCore metadata fields always empty at the beginning |
220748 | WF-Monitor: No VidiCore metadata after first loading in an incognito session or when the browser cache is cleared |
220855 | WF-Monitor: VidiCore metadata is not truncated like workflow metadata in the GUI |
220878 | WF-Monitor: Task logs layout misaligned |
220908 | WF-Monitor: Metadata labels are not used with VidiCore metadata |
221175 | WF-Monitor: Metadata API Requests Fail with ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR |
222252 | WF Monitor: GET groups fails for user with "/" in the name |
218538 | WF-Designer: Drag drop service task root to subprocess bug |
218765 | Copy File Via Agent takes ChunkSizeinKb value to be in bytes |
218775 | Update subpath for copy/move shape direct API for VC |
218881 | Render Item V4.0: WF failed to fall into boundary event of "InvalidAssetType" |
219228 | TranscodeVantage fails triggering "subtitle insertion" workflow: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'collection') |
214709 | Agent Transcode: missing deletion of index files (cix/tix) in case of transcode error |
219731 | transfer-essence can "destroy" an asset when it is started concurrently on the same object |
218036 | TranscoderS4M fails on filename containing # |
219980 | Error decrypting s3 secret key from storage method when it contains a forward slash |
218279 | Format of startTimeCode provided in the SequenceDoc is wrong |
218417 | Rule Designer: Disable save button after klicking to avoid multiple versions |
219453 | VF MediaAgents deployment: Missing Slash in Config Map |
219557 | Copy File via Agent: Failed to copy file if the input parameters are given source storage uri and the source platform uri which contains a subpath with file |
220433 | Media agent TrimmMxf needs to abide by access controls |
200113 | VF Agents: Verify the provisioning agent use case definition logic |
212481 | Transcode vantage: Improve exception readability |
216828 | Contract Version 2.1 of TranscoderProxy With TranscoderS4M via Linux will not work on files located in subfolders |
220501 | Workflows sometimes stay at "Running" |
206496 | VidiFlow Portal: Vidicore File store full uri as filename for the azure storage |
220250 | ContractUsage service: Uses wrong identifier for workflow/rule contracts |
220434 | CreatePosters: Unable to catch the error of "Timecode out of range" |
216312 | GCP: Vidicore couldn't able to get private key secret |
200113 | Vidispine agents, wrong error handling: no boundary events, not correct exceptions |
221110 | VF-Portal: Missing agent contract usage. |
221253 | WF Designer: Mapping disappears after task version change |
221509 | Deleted WF is not clean up by CRON job |
221545 | Contract Usage API throwing unhandled exception in log |
221859 | Platform-Clients vulnerabilities: tough-cookie |
221631 | Agent Transcode finishes task while keyframe upload is still running (and finally failing) |
221983 | Agent Transcode timeout (5 min) while bulky upload (waveforms) is still running |
222283 | WF-Designer marked multiple task activities red after loading |
222403 | New WF-Designer: Remove size limit for script-task code |
222575 | TranscodeProxyWithTranscoderS4M: TTML data is shown empty in Vidicore although it does send POST request |
222693 | Portal: Remove HULL configuration from clients repo |
222571 | WF Monitor: Unable to download log file |
222669 | "Calculation" of latest version wrong |
222047 | New WF Designer: Failed to load the workflow parameters and found errors in browser console |
221985 | New WF Designer: Save to new major version fails |
221263 | Semantic Versioning: Rule usage not able to list down the workflow if the rule version is selected as x.Latest in bpmn file |
222936 | Notification Service: Workflow Started trigger not working and missing terminated, cancelled and indent trigger |
202823 | NotificationService: Multiple workflow notifications sending out from notification service |
222860 | WF Monitor: Central Saved Search access rights functionality doesn't work |
222115 | New WF Designer: Wrong topicname for updated rule version |
223095 | WF-Designer: Bad BPMN code when adding multiple gateways |